As of April 1st, 2023 your board of trustees will be holding all their monthly board meetings at our new financial management company, VIS Group, Inc. They are located at 8617 Martin Way E, Lacey WA 98516 just North East from the Costco Gas Station across Martin Way. They have a 20 person conference room with WiFi for Zoom and plenty of parking.
You are welcome to join your neighbors at 6:30 to 8:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month (except for December when we take a holiday break). In May, we will need a larger venue for our Annual Membership Meeting so its location (usually at Salish Jr. High) will be mailed out in your personal Annual Meeting Packet 2-4 weeks prior.
Note: This is a new Zoom info as of 1/1/2025.
Zoom info: One click log in
Go to on web browser
Meeting ID: 864 2565 9833
Passcode: 095786
Two kayak storage racks are located on the back side of the marina. The rental fee is currently $50/year. Watercraft is not permitted to be left overnight on the beachfront unless stored on racks or the marina. Contact the marina manager for slip or space availability through the Contact Us form.
Our high tide marina is located on the west end of our beachfront. Over 20 slips are available for annual rental. Boat owners must have the vessel licensed, in operating condition, and insured against spill damage. Beginning in May, 2020 the annual rental fee will be $475/year. Watercraft is not permitted to be left overnight on the beachfront unless stored on racks or the marina. Contact the marina manager for slip or space availability through the Contact Us form.
As a Beachcrest homeowner you are a member of our community association in which the board needs to collect annual dues to maintain our community properties. At the May 2024 annual meeting the annual dues increased to $622 was ratified.
As a Beachcrest homeowner you are a member of our community association and, occasionally, the board need to request a special assessment to pay for larger project costs for our community properties. At the May 2022 annual meeting a one-time special assessment for $800 was ratified. There is no other special assessment being considered.
Our annual property owner dues and any special assessments provide for our operating and maintenance expenses for our:
Each home has been issued two fobs that open our beach gate from 4:00 am to 10:00 pm. Those fobs should transfer to the new owner when a property is sold. If fobs are reported missing, they will be deactivated. Replacement fobs may be purchased for $25 each by the owner. No more than two fobs are assigned to each home address. Please use the Contact Us form for any questions and VIS for new and replacement fobs.
The Board of Trustees have a few areas of oversight that require residents to submit a request:
If persistent dog parking is an on going issue. especially at night, the person you should contact is the neighbor with the dog. For best results, informing your neighbor in a respectful manner that their dog is affecting your sleep.
BCA owns and maintains all mailbox clusters within its neighborhood; however, the lock and 3 keys are the sole responsibility of the homeowner assigned to their individual box. Keys and the specific box are passed down from owner to owner upon property sale/transfer and from owner to any tenants with the owner retrieving all keys when a tenant leaves for their next renter. The board does not have, nor does it maintain, any mailbox keys except their own personal ones. Should a lock/key set fail, the owner can either repair or replace it themselves (see Mailbox Lock How-To Tutorial) or can call the USPS (who will charge a fee) or employ a locksmith for assistance.
As of: 11 Feb 2025:
NOTE: The board has approved hiring VIS Group, Inc to replace Vantage as our new financial management company as of April 1st, 2023. This will mean that all dues and special assessment payments will now need to be sent to VIS Group at:
Beachcrest Community Ass’n
c/o VIS Group, Inc.
PO Box 7218
San Francisco, CA 94120-7218
You’ll also need to supply your account number you received in your personal welcome packet mailed out at the end of March in order to create an account. Note: one account number per owned property. Any automatic payments such as ACH and Bank Bill Pay will need to be changes as they WILL NOT be forwarded on.
Click on the below for more info:
VIS Welcome Letter
VIS Contact Info Form
VIS ACH Fillable Form
BCA Welcome Letter
This year’s Annual Membership Meeting will occur on May 7th, at TBD.
No Zoom available as all voting must be done by members present at this meeting or via proxies.
The meeting will start promptly at 6:30pm with doors opening at 6:00pm so members can come early to sign in, register any proxies, receive their voting ballot(s) and mingle with fellow members.
Click here for last year’s Meeting Packet
Results of the voting during the May 2024 Annual Meeting are as follows:
Bluff Care
Burn Bans
ULID / Sewer info folder
Traffic Calming info folder
Board of Trustees & Minutes
Bylaws, CRs and Other Docs
Cabana Calendar
Marina Policy
Property Manager Reports
Beachcrest History Archive
Nisqually Tide Chart
Thurston Co. Assessor
Recycle or trash chart (click for pdf download)
Lacey Watering Schedule
VIS Group: Website
VIS Group: Member’s Portal
Facebook – for residents only
30 Years of Beachcrest history as captured in our newsletter is now available at the link below.
Back in 1991 it was Sandy Morasky’s vision to create the VIEW, without which we would have lost so much history about this place. Thank you Sandy!
For current VIEW: Winter 2024 (in color)
For The VIEW Archives: click here
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