BCA Proposed Bylaw Changes Summary
for Annual Membership Meeting on May 4th, 2022
(if adopted, effective May 5th, 2022)
Voting procedures for adopting proposed Bylaws changes: Our Bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of the membership. A quorum (10% of the members entitled to vote) must be present at the meeting, and proposed changes are adopted if a majority of those present approve the changes.
In the past, multiple proposed Bylaws changes have been voted up or down in one vote. This year, we will ask for separate votes on each proposal (with one exception – the exception is that we will combine the two proposed changes that incorporate the new state law into one vote). As a result, members will be asked for 4 separate votes on these issues:
1. Incorporating the new state law regarding adopting budgets, dues increases and special assessments, and related notice requirements. (Proposed 1A and 1B)
2. Modifying the existing automatic inflation surcharge based on the CPI. (Proposed 2)
3. Modifying the Board’s existing expenditure authority to provide more flexibility in between monthly board meetings. (Proposed 3)
4. Authorizing the Board to approve an alternative payment plan. (Proposed 4)
The materials in this document are intended to explain the Board’s reasoning behind each proposal and also provide the Board’s thoughts on what it means if each proposal is not adopted.
The Board welcomes your input and thoughts on these proposals in advance of (or at) the Annual Meeting. You may submit informal or formal comments to the Board. Informal comments will be shared only with the Board. Formal comments will be shared with the general community, and the Board will do so by making every effort to include your formal comments in the Annual Meeting Packet that will be mailed to all property owners.
If you would like to submit formal comments on one or more of these proposed changes, please label your comments as “pro”, “con” or “other” and email your comments to Kat Leathers at katleathers@comcast.net, or provide written formal comments to any Board member no later than 5pm on March 13. Formal comments received after March 13 can be read/shared at the Annual Meeting.
Click below to view the full document of the proposed bylaw changes.
Then share your opinion as shown above or the comment form at the top of this page.
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