April 7, 2022

Dear Community Members,

You got your Annual Meeting packet in the mail this week and in it we invited you to fill out a survey letting us know how you feel about the $600 dues reset, a $20 dollar per month increase, and a one time Special Assessment of $800 to pay for road paving and other important infrastructure projects.

Both of these could be paid over multiple payments which is described in the survey, to make it easier to pay.

Please complete by April 22nd. 
This is not a vote but a way for us all to share our thoughts to prepare for the May Annual Meeting where we will conduct the actual vote. 
This survey replaces the one we tried to do a couple of months ago that we paused and updated.  So even if you filled out the prior one that seemed similar,it is not the same and we would really like your input! 
Plan on coming  to the meeting and casting your vote.
If you are interested in running for the Board you can share your interest ahead of the meeting and Larry will post them on the website so all can get to know you.  Or you can be nominated (or self nominate) at the meeting.  Contact Larry at lindsley98516@gmail.com.
Thanks for taking your time to share your thoughts,
The Beachcrest Board of Trustees