To download all 14 documents click here
2022 Annual Meeting Docs (in pdf).zip
By Steve Hoffman, BCA Treasurer
To start, I have to say I was impressed by the number of folks in attendance, the count was well north of the 50% needed to require ratification votes. Lines were long in the beginning as members had to sign-in and received their ballots for the night’s voting.
There were 3 sets of ballots: One for Bylaw changes having 4 line items, one for ratification of 2 budget items (budget with $600 annual dues and the one-time special assessment of $800) plus a ballot for writing in the candidates of choice for 5 board members which wasn’t used since the 5 candidates were elected by acclimation (needed 5 and had 5) . The results as follows:
Voting Results for By-Law Changes (out of 145 ballots with 1 having partial votes):
Yes %Yes No %No Approved
– Admin Changes: 121 83.4 23 15.9 yes
– Auto CPI Change: 93 64.1 51 35.2 yes
– Expenditures: 88 60.7 57 39.3 yes
– Payment Plans: 126 86.9 19 13.1 yes
Voting Results for Budgets (out of 144 ballots w/ 1 having unreadable marks so not used):
Note: Need 132+ No Votes to reject (out of 262 voting members), else ratified per RCW 64.90.525:
– Budget with $600 Dues: Yes Votes – 106; No Votes – 37; so ratified
– $800 Special Assessment: Yes Votes – 61; No Votes – 82; so ratified
Board Member Positions (as voted on by the board members on 5/18/2022):
Name Position Term Length Remaining
* Anne Stone President 2-Year
* Caroline Irwin Vice President 2-Year
* Bethany Buechel Secretary 2-Year
Steve Hoffman Treasurer 1-Year
Loretta Linstad Property Manager 1-Year
* Dennis Simmons Security Manager 2-Year
* Kat Leathers Member at Large 1-Year
* New candidates elected by acclimation (i.e. no vote required as no extra candidates volunteered)
Thank you to: Laura Kraig, Carolyn Wagner, Debi Stumpp and Colleen Miller for volunteering to be the point persons during an unprecedented number of members signing in and amongst much confusion as they persevered and got us our needed tallies during the meeting. Also, thanks to the Security team for setup/takedown of all the tables and chairs.
Finally, thanks to the outgoing board members, Larry Lindsley and Cindy Stichweh, who have been faithfully volunteering for BC for many years of service while welcoming in your two new board members, Caroline Irwin and Bethany Buechel whose contributions will be welcomed (oh, and to Kat Leathers, who got roped into another final year after the shortest retirement in board history).