How can I check my account balance?

Vantage Community Management provides accounting services for the Beachcrest Community Association. A Beachrest homeowner may check the status of their account to assure their annual assessment is paid. To access the information, you will need to know the “unit number” for your property. If you have previously received a statement for annual dues, it is noted on that document. To set up account: To access your account:

How is a Community Organization different from a Homeowner Organization?

Beacchrest was chartered as a Community Association, and it’s Board of Trustees are elected as stewards to maintain and improve the “community property”.   In Beachcrest community property includes our street surfaces, entrance park, playground, nature trail… plus beachfront amenities including the marina and cabanas. Unlike many homeowner associations, the board does not make any architectural decisions on a homeowners private property. However, homeowners are required to submit specified requests that are noted in the covenants, bylaws, or community rules. Homeowners are members of the association, who can vote for the board of trustee members and vote to modify established bylaws.